Operation Paiakan
June 9, 2023
Day One: 16 hours since departure from NYC. The sea is calm, glassy flat. Saw two whales this morning and a pod of dolphins. The air is still heavy with smoke and it looks like the smoke from the Canadian fires will stay with us offshore at least until past Nova Scotia. All systems are running smoothly.
It has been wonderful to smell the sea breeze again, despite the smoke. Did the 8 to 12 watch and after, had a very restful sleep. Sleeping at sea is always best with the gentle rocking. Although of course it is not always so gentle.
Great to have Ron Precious on the crew. He and I sailed together on the original Greenpeace voyages to protect whales in 1975 and 1976. He was a cameraman then and he is a cameraman and part of the production crew now.
Captain Locky MacLean did an incredible job securing this ship, refitting it and delivering it toe NYC. The crew are fantastic, all fully dedicated to the cause, aware of the risks and committed to making Operation Paiakan a success.