Courage, Imagination and Passion
September 5, 2023
I have always said that we can change the world by exercising the virtues of passion, imagination, and courage.
Anahita Babaei and Elissa Biou over the last 24 hours have proven how effective the application in action these three virtues can be.
Passionate about saving the lives of endangered Fin whales they came up with a brilliant strategy and then courageously put that strategy in action.
In the early morning of September 4th, both women climbed the rigging of two whaling ships in Reykjavik harbor and climbed into the crow’s nest.
That was 24 hours ago and they are still there.
Yesterday the police used a cherry picker to try and remove Anahita. They failed but they forcefully pulled her pack with water and food.
Elissa on the vessel on the outside was too far away for the cherry picker.
Police negotiators climbed the rigging but were unable to convince the women to surrender.
Within the last half hour an article in the Icelandic VISIR stated that special forces have arrived and equipment was brought on board.
From VISIR: “It seems that a special team of the National Police has arrived at the scene, and police officers have been seen carrying bags on board the ships”
More than likely the special forces will succeed in removing both Anahita and Elissa, but they will have accomplished their objective of shutting down the whaling ships for two days and at the same time focusing international attention on Iceland’s continued illegal whaling operations.
Kristjián Loftsson has a very narrow window of opportunity to kill whales this summer. Weather conditions have been and will continue to be difficult and this action has cost him two, maybe three days.
He may get his ships out and he may kill a couple of whales, more out of spite than profit. Overall, this summer has been a financial disaster for Loftsson and his gang of whale killing.
Today will be an intense day for Anahita and Elissa. No matter what the consequences, be they jail or fines or both, what they have done has saved the lives of some of these incredibly intelligent, socially complex, self-aware sentient beings and that is something they can be exceedingly proud of for the rest of their lives.
Two brave women climbed the foremast.
Into the crow’s nest holding fast.
Loftsson is quite mad.
Very, very sad.
He’s paying attention at last.