April 28, 2023

Over the past few months, Sea Shepherd France ended the killing of dolphins by the French fishing fleet and intercepted sea turtle poachers on the island of Mayotte. Sea Shepherd Brazil has a boat on the Amazon protecting river dolphins. Sea Shepherd UK is sending crew to the Faro Islands and Iceland and recovering tons of underwater marine debris.

Meanwhile, Sea Shepherd Global is taking pictures of krill trawlers without interfering. Sea Shepherd USA is watching poachers do whatever they wish to do in the Vaquita Reserve without interference. Sea Shepherd Australia is busy working in collaboration with Australian and Japanese fishing corporations.

Sea Shepherd Global is suing Sea Shepherd France and threatening to sue Sea Shepherd UK and Brazil. Sea Shepherd USA is suing Sea Shepherd Origin and the Captain Paul Watson Foundation.

The Sea Shepherd name has been tainted in every country except France, the UK, Brazil and Hungary. All the other Sea Shepherd groups have betrayed the basic Sea Shepherd principles of direct intervention using the strategy of aggressive non-violence.

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