Hugo Clément, Lamya Essemlali and Myself at Ocean Fest in Nantes on Sunday. 

Hugo Clément, Lamya Essemlali and Myself at Ocean Fest in Nantes on Sunday. 

What an incredible fund raising event. We spoke to 800 people in the afternoon at a special two hour conference and in the evening before the bands hit the stage we spoke to 7,500 people. for 15 minutes.

France is by far our largest support base and one of only two countries where my wearing the Sea Shepherd name and logos is not banned by the Mutineers of Sea Shepherd Global. 

Lamya Essemlali, the President of Sea Shepherd France has built a tremendously strong following in France where she remains steadfast in her support of the founding original principles, strategies and tactics of the Sea Shepherd movement.

It was amazing to receive a standing ovation from so many people.

Thank you to all 7,500 + people in Nantes for your support for the defense and protection of life in the sea.

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